Author Guidelines

Instruction to Authors

Manuscripts are accepted on the understanding that the authors have obtained the necessary authority for publication. Manuscripts with multi-authors imply the consent of each of the authors. The publisher will presume that the corresponding author has specifically obtained the approval of all other co-authors to submit the article to IJCPA. Submission of an article to IJCPA is understood to imply that it has not been either published or not being considered for publication elsewhere. 

Manuscripts will be reviewed by members of the editorial board, whose opinions will form the basis of the final decision by the editor. It is recommended that an English check of the manuscript by a competent and knowledgeable native speaker be completed before submission. Failure to follow them may result in papers being delayed or rejected.


Types of Manuscripts

Research papers should contain unpublished results of original research, which must be presented in sufficient detail to ensure the reproducibility of the described experiments and should present new experimental studies in elaborate form that constitute a significant contribution to knowledge. Research Papers should not exceed 18 pages. 

Short communications are the one that should present new important findings in brief, a maximum of 9 pages including illustrations.

Review articles should bring up the most important current topics or present interpretative and critical accounts, but not simple compilation, on subjects of general interest. They should be around 15 pages.

Review process

All manuscripts are reviewed by the editors, members of the editorial board, or qualified reviewers / experts through double blind peer review process. When a manuscript is submitted to the journal, it is given a number and assigned to two reviewers. The reviewers operate under strict guidelines and are expected complete their reviews quickly. Within 7 to 14 days after submission, the corresponding author will be notified of the editor’s decision to accept without change, recommended for modification, further review, or reject. When modifications are requested, the corresponding author must either submit the modified version within 2 days or withdraw the manuscript. Manuscripts that have been rejected, or withdrawn after being returned for modification, may be resubmitted if the major criticisms have been addressed. The cover letter must state that the manuscript is a resubmission, and the former manuscript number should be provided in the appropriate field on the submission form.

Manuscripts preparations

Each manuscript should be neatly typed, single-spaced throughout; including tables, graphs, figures. Manuscript should be uniform size with at least 2.54cm margin on all sides.

Prepare the manuscript in Times New Roman font using a font size of 12. Title shall be in a font size 14, bold face capitals. All section titles in the manuscript shall be in font size 12, bold face capitals. Subtitles in each section shall be in font size 12, bold face lower case. Standard International Units could be used throughout the text.


Pages should not be numbered, manuscript should be starting with the title page and the text should be arranged in the following order:

1) Title Page

2) Abstract

3) Key words

4) Introduction

5) Materials and Methods

6) Results and Discussion

7) Conclusion

8) Conflict of interest, if any

9) Acknowledgements

10) References

11) Tables and Figures

Title Page

The title should be clear, concise and informative followed by the names and affiliations of the authors. Each author must provide their full name including their forenames and surname. The affiliation should comprise the department, institution (usually university or company), city, and state (or nation) and should be typed as a footnote to the author’s name. The Corresponding Author of the manuscript must be marked with an asterik and should be listed first. In addition, the corresponding author must indicate his or her complete mailing address, office/cellular phone number, fax number and email address at the lower left of the title page.

Abstract and keywords 

The abstract with keywords should be typed on a separate sheet. The abstract should not more than 300 words and should present the reason of study, the main findings and principal conclusion. Abstract should not be structured. Abstract must be followed by four-six keywords.


Should start on a new page and should clearly indicate the aim of the study. The introduction should not be an extensive review of the literature but should refer only to previous work which has a direct bearing on the topic to be discussed.

Materials and Methods

The section Materials and Methods should include concise details on the methodology adopted, sufficient to repeat the experiment. Please provide concise but complete information about the material and the analytical, statistical and experimental procedures used. Extracts and/or fractions tested for in vitro or in vivo biological activities should be chemically defined, at least by means of the results of preliminary phytochemical screening. Complete formulation details of all crude drug mixtures and extracts should be mentioned. The plant name should be fully mentioned when cited first, and the authors are asked to add the details regarding its identification, voucher herbarium specimen number and name of the herbarium institution where it has been deposited. The statistical method and the level of significance chosen should be clearly stated. In case of animal experiments authors must give the details of ethical approval.

Results and Discussion

Data acquired from the research with appropriate statistical analysis described in the methods section should be included in this section. All results presented in tabular or graphical form shall be described in this section. Should contain a critical review of the results of the study with the support of relevant literature. Discussion should relate the results to current understanding of the scientific problems being investigated in the field.


In a separate section, the major findings of the study and their usefulness shall be summarized. This paragraph should address the main conclusions of the work highlighting its importance and relevance.


All acknowledgments should be typed in one paragraph directly preceding the reference section and may include supporting grants, presentations, and so forth.


The authors are responsible for the accuracy of the bibliographic information. The references should be listed on a separate sheet and should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are cited in the text. Cite in the text by the appropriate Arabic number e.g. 1, 2, 3 and the numbers should be superscripted. Listed below, are references to a journal, a chapter in a book, and a book, respectively, in correct style.


Author (last name) AB (initials), Author BB. Title of paper. Journal name. year; volume (Issue): page numbers. (If author number is more than six use et al after the names of six authors)

Example:Pawar HA, Jadhav P. Isolation, characterization and investigation of Cordia dichotoma fruit polysaccharide as a herbal excipient. International journal of biological macromolecules. 2015 ;72 (11) :1228-36.


Author AB, Author BB, Author CC. Title of Book. Edition, Volume, Publisher, City, year, page numbers.

Example: Parrot EL, Lachman L, Libermann HA and Kanig JL, Theory and Practice of Industrial Pharmacy, 3rd edition, Lea and Febiger, Philiadelphia, 1986, 21.


Each table should be on a separate page. Each table should have a short, descriptive title and numbered in the order (using Arabic numerals) cited in the text. Abbreviations should be defined as footnotes in italics at the bottom of each table.


Figures (photographs, drawings, diagrams and charts) are to be numbered in one consecutive series of the Arabic numerals in the order in which they are cited in the text and abbreviated as Fig.X. Photos or drawings must have a good contrast of dark and light. Legends of figures should be brief, but complete and self- explanatory so that the reader can easily understand the results presented in the figure. Please do not duplicate material that is already presented in the tables.


Standard abbreviations should be used throughout the manuscript. All nonstandard abbreviations should be kept to a minimum and must be defined in the text following their first use.

Short Communication

The journal publishes exciting findings, preliminary data or studies that did not yield enough information to make a full paper as short communications. These have the same format requirements as full papers but are only up to 9 pages in length. Short Communications should not have subtitles such as Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion - all these have to be merged into the running text. Short Communications preferably should have only 3-4 illustrations.

Review Articles

Should be about 18 pages long, contain up-to-date information, comprehensively cover relevant literature and preferably be written by scientists who have in-depth knowledge on the topic. All format requirements are same as those applicable to full papers. Review articles need not be divided into sections such as Materials and Methods and Results and Discussion, but should definitely have an Abstract and Introduction, if necessary.

Ethical matters

Authors publishing results from in vivo experiments involving animals or humans should state whether due permission for conduction of these experiments was obtained, from the relevant ethics committees, in the Materials and Methods section. In addition, authors wishing to publish research work involving human studies should also send a notary verified letter of approval from the Ethics Committee or the Institutional Review Board.

The editors reserve the right to reject manuscripts that do not comply with the above-mentioned requirements. The author will be held responsible for false statements or failure to fulfill the above-mentioned requirements. 

Statement of Informed Consent 

All papers submitted to our Journal should declare agreement with the following ‘statement of informed consent’. No paper lacking it, will be considered for publication. Patients have a right to privacy that should not be infringed without informed consent. All information which could contribute to identify patients, including patients' names, initials, or hospital numbers, should not be published in written descriptions, photographs, etc., unless the information is essential for scientific purposes and the patient (or parent or guardian) gives explicit written informed consent for publication. For this purpose, the manuscript should be shown to the patient before publication and specific and explicit informed consent should be obtained. Furthermore, individuals who provide writing assistance should be identified by the authors, and they must disclose the funding source for this assistance. Identifying details should be omitted if they are not essential. However, since complete anonymity is difficult to achieve, informed consent should be obtained from each patient involved, if there is any doubt. If identifying characteristics are altered to protect anonymity, such as in genetic pedigrees, authors should provide assurance that alterations do not distort scientific meaning, and editors will note that.

Statement of Human and Animal Rights

When reporting experiments on human subjects, authors should indicate whether the procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation (institutional and national). If doubt exists whether the research was conducted in accordance with the ethical standards, the authors must explain the rationale for their approach, and demonstrate that the institutional review body explicitly approved the doubtful aspects of the study. When reporting experiments on animals, authors should be asked to indicate whether the institutional and national guide for the care and use of laboratory animals was followed.

Statement of Conflict of Interest

The authors whose names is mentioned in the manuscript certify that they have NO affiliations with or involvement in any organization or entity with any financial interest (such as honoraria; educational grants; participation in speakers’ bureaus; membership, employment, consultancies, stock ownership, or other equity interest; and expert testimony or patent-licensing arrangements), or non-financial interest (such as personal or professional relationships, affiliations, knowledge or beliefs) in the subject matter or materials discussed in this manuscript.


Plagiarism is a serious issue around the world in the arena of manuscript writing. Plagiarism means "Use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work." his has been noticed that, authors are simply copying scientific data and information from the other published papers, which is an awful practice in academic fraternity. Therefore, I request to the all authors please adopt the holistic & pragmatic approach to design the manuscript of interest. IJCPA will not be responsible for further action on Plagiarism issue. The author will be solely responsible for plagiarism issue.

Manuscript submission

Manuscript should be submitted by registering with our Electronic manuscript handling system using following link: Online Manuscript Submission

Decision on your article will be taken once we receive comments from reviewers and this duration will not exceed more than 03 days.

Galley Proofs:

Proofs will be sent to the corresponding author by PDF for final proof reading and appropriate corrections and should be returned via email within 48 hours of receipt. No additions and revisions are allowed other than the correction of typographical errors. 

Article Processing Charges (APC) :


Average Article prorcessing time (APT) is 55 days

Fast Editorial Execution and Review Process (FEE-Review Process):

International Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Analysis is participating in the Fast Editorial Execution and Review Process (FEE-Review Process) with an additional prepayment of $99 apart from the regular article processing fee. Fast Editorial Execution and Review Process is a special service for the article that enables it to get a faster response in the pre-review stage from the handling editor as well as a review from the reviewer. An author can get a faster response of pre-review maximum in 3 days since submission, and a review process by the reviewer maximum in 5 days, followed by revision/publication in 2 days. If the article gets notified for revision by the handling editor, then it will take another 5 days for external review by the previous reviewer or alternative reviewer.

Acceptance of manuscripts is driven entirely by handling editorial team considerations and independent peer-review, ensuring the highest standards are maintained no matter the route to regular peer-reviewed publication or a fast editorial review process. The handling editor and the article contributor are responsible for adhering to scientific standards. The article FEE-Review process of $99 will not be refunded even if the article is rejected or withdrawn for publication.

The corresponding author or institution/organization is responsible for making the manuscript FEE-Review Process payment. The additional FEE-Review Process payment covers the fast review processing and quick editorial decisions, and regular article publication covers the preparation in various formats for online publication, securing full-text inclusion in a number of permanent archives like HTML, XML, and PDF, and feeding to different indexing agencies.

Refunds/Cancellation Policy

  • All electronically issued services offer quality assurance. If you are not 100% satisfied with the quality, simply write to us within 7 days asking for rework/corrections of the articles published by you. If the quality delivered fell short of the service promise, we will rework the assignment for free. However, if you wish to discontinue the assignment, or if the reworked assignment does not meet expectations, we will refund 100% of its fee before its publication. Clients acknowledge and agree to our refunds policy, which clearly states that all editorial and publishing services are performed to the best of our abilities, begin immediately upon order confirmation, and will be rendered on the client’s behalf in good faith.
  • Clients agree to resolve any questions, concerns, or disputes regarding the quality of delivered publishing services by submitting a written request, either by email or the through the website. This request must specifically outline all questions and concerns about possible editorial errors or omissions so that our experts may clearly address, respond to, and/or correct any areas of concern on the client’s behalf as quickly and professionally as possible. Rework requests are applicable only to the original text and will be carried out according to the assignment’s original written instructions.
  • No cancellation requests will be accepted for confirmed orders and approved publications. Cancellations cannot be processed once the article is published and available online.

Important Notes

  1. The scanned copy of copywrite / publication agreement form must be sent by e-mail.
  2. Reprints may be downloaded directly from the website.
  3. The responsibility of the contents rests upon the authors and not upon the publisher.
  4. The Editorial Board reserves the right to make changes if necessary in the research articles.

Rejected manuscripts will not be returned to the author.

Manuscript should be submitted by registering with our Electronic manuscript handling system using following link: Online Manuscript Submission

+44 193 554 8010
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Citations : 440

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