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Author(s): Prateeksha Rawat, Jayanta kumar Maji, V.J. Shukla

Solvent system designing for chromatography is the most crucial point in pharmaceutical world. Designing and using certain systems with specific parameters can be done by optimization. “Eluotropic series” is not favourable tool for mobile phase optimization, as solvent proton acceptor, proton donor, dipole characteristic are not considerable while solvent strength plays a vital role in chromatographic separation which is used to estimate of a solvent's ability to cause migration of analyte Rf. This review gives a brief summary of solvent system designing via algorithm. The aim of optimizing the solvent composition is to achieve a more satisfactory separation of unknown structure & properties of uncharacterised polyherbal fraction that is essential for their ultimate identification. For instance, Trappe has given “Eluotropic Series” for column chromatography, where the solvents used can be based on accordance to their eluting effect. “Snyder triangle method'' is used for optimization of mobile phase. L.R. Snyder classified the frequently used solvents in separation science. Later explored “Seven point optimization” by J. L. Glajch and Prisma model by Nyiredy. But presently “Simplex Method” and “Genetic algorithm” methods are mainly used for optimization of the solvent system designing. This review reflects the artifact of the optimum solvent system design via-model to algorithom. Also explained the map of whole parameter space in the alignment of solvent strength, retention factor and capacity factor for optimal solvent system for unknown polyherbal fraction. This constructive review provides a proof of concept for the methodology and current status that provides a systematic approach for appropriate solvent selection and design method, model, algorithom for feasible separation.

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pharmaceutical analysis, international journal, chemical and pharmaceutical, journal of chemical, online open access journals, open access journals
Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 440

International Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Analysis received 440 citations as per google scholar report

International Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Analysis peer review process verified at publons

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