Author(s): Nilesh K. Gorde, Sandeep Waghulde , Tushar A. Deshmukh, Ajay A. Kharche, Amol Chandekar1, Bharat Tekade, Mohan Kale
The word Lithopedion is derived from the Greek word Lithos meaning stone and pedion meaning child thus implying a foetus that has become stony. Diagnosis confirmed by plain abdominal X-ray and computed tomography and patient consequently undergone laparotomy. Once the diagnosis of an abdominal pregnancy is made, surgical intervention is necessary because of the high mortality and morbidity of the advanced pregnancy. Other causes of death are infections, disseminated intravascular coagulopathy, pulmonary embolism and fistulae caused by penetration of fetal bones Patient ages vary between 30 and 100 years, while duration of lithopedion withholding ranges from 4 to 60 years. Lithopedion may come about from 14 weeks of gestation to full term. Occurrence of a lithopedion is rarer than ever and it is usually found only where modern health services are unavailable. We presented some interesting cases of lithopedion seen all over the world and that discovered incidentally on abdominal x-ray, at surgery, or autopsy.