
Articles related to COVID-19 will be published in special issue.

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Author(s): Kaki Soujanya, K Kranthi Raj and D Ramachandran

The main ground for nosocomial deaths around the world wasGram Staphylococcus aureus sortase A was main target which was involved So computational docking models were developed to screen the in house database consists of 1500 molecules. 4 amino-5-oxo-5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-4H-chromene-3-carbonitri phenyl-1H-pyrazol-5(4H)-one (DRC-KS2) were identified as novel molecules that can inhibit Staphylococcus aureus sortase A. Docking score of DRC-KS1 and DRC-KS2 was -4.32 and concentration against Staphylococcus aureus sortase A. DRC These molecules were proved potent and can be used as lead mole Keywords –Docking, Synthesis, Sortase A, Minimum inhibitory concentration ese molecules were proved potent and can be used as lead molecules in the drug discovery pipeline

+44 193 554 8010
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pharmaceutical analysis, international journal, chemical and pharmaceutical, journal of chemical, online open access journals, open access journals
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Citations : 440

International Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Analysis received 440 citations as per google scholar report

International Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Analysis peer review process verified at publons

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