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Histopathological Evaluation of the Effect of Composite Wood Extracts on the Hepato-Renal and Reproductive Organs of Wistar Albino Rats


Author(s): Ashade, Olufemi Olukayode and Bello, Idiat Jumoke

Exudation from woods has overtime drain into the systemic fibres of recipient organism with would be attendant seemingly deleterious consequences. Based on this thought, the ?irth of the stud?. “a?dust’s fro? differe?t ?ood t?pes, N. diderrichi, P. omorika, oak and Alstonia boonei were used and one hundred and ten (110)Wistar albino rats with average weight (160g – 200g) as experimental animals. The composite sawdust was screened for phytochemical properties. Rats were grouped into IA , IB , IIA , IIB , IIA , IIB and IVA , IVB having the control extracts 50mg/kg, 200mg/kg and 500mg/kg with superscripts A (male) and B (female) respectively. Acclimatization lasted 14 days and post acclimatization treatment lasted 60days. Phytochemical screening revealed presence of tannin, phenol, saponin, alkaloid, flavonoid, steroid, cardiac glycoside and sugar qualitative and average qualitatively values for tannin, phenol, flavonoid, cardiac glycoside and sugar were 111.90mg/100g, 101.89mg/100g, 88.69mg/100g, 86.42mg/100g and 43.25mg/100g respectively. Histopathological studies revealed no pathological effect on the ovary, while massive disruption of the testicular tissues observed in testes with increased extract concentration compared to control. Distortion of the liver architecture with central vein congestion and expanded portal tract reflective of moderate chronic inflammatory cells were identified in highly compromised liver. Acute tubular necrosis was evidenced as well in the extremely compromised kidney (500mg/kg). From this study, it has been concluded that wood shavings produce hazardous chemicals that pose threat to the overall tissue configuration of exposed organisms.

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pharmaceutical analysis, international journal, chemical and pharmaceutical, journal of chemical, online open access journals, open access journals
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Citations : 440

International Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Analysis received 440 citations as per google scholar report

International Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Analysis peer review process verified at publons

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