Author(s): Aruna Bhatia1*, Manju Anand2, Rupali Singla3
Tylophora indica (Asclepiadaceae) have long been used for the treatment of asthma, bronchitis, whooping cough, dysentery, rheumatic gouty pains and hydrophobia1. In the present study, an assessment of Alloxan induced Swiss albino mice is made by treating with oral administration of leaf extract of native (n) and in vitro propagated or micro-propagated (m) Tylophora indica. Extracts of both in-vitro andnative plant are prepared in methanol (MLTLn andMLTLm) for investigation of blood glucose lowering affect and improvement in body weight in diabetic Swiss albino mice .The results obtained are evaluated with respect to known anti diabetic drug glyburide.It is observed that in vitro propagated T.indicashows better hypoglycaemic effect than native plant. Various factor are monitored e.g. blood glucose level, body weight, mortality rate in different groups.In this study, the anti diabetic activity of herbal drug for treatment of diabetes mellitus is clearly indicated