
Articles related to COVID-19 will be published in special issue.

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Author(s): Deepali M. Gangrade, Swati D. Bakshi

The aim of this work was to develop and validate a dissolution test for Betahistine Hydrochloride in controlled release tablet dosage form by using UV visible spectrophotometric method. The dissolution established conditions were: 900 mL of phosphate buffer pH 6.8, using a paddle apparatus at a stirring rate of 100 rpm. The drug release was evaluated by UV visible spectrophotometry method at 260 nm. The method was validated as per the ICH guidelines. The validation included accuracy, precision and linearity. In addition, filter compatibility and drug solution stability in medium were demonstrated.

+44 193 554 8010
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pharmaceutical analysis, international journal, chemical and pharmaceutical, journal of chemical, online open access journals, open access journals
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Citations : 440

International Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Analysis received 440 citations as per google scholar report

International Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Analysis peer review process verified at publons

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