Author(s): Worku Batu Dirersa
The application of cis and trans-platinium (II) complexes in Medicinal Chemistry to Medicine is rapidly developing field and novel therapeutic and diagnostic for biological life. Cis and trans-platinium (II) complexes are now having an impact on biological antidrug and medical practice. Advances in Bio-coordination Chemistry are crucial for improving the design of compounds to reduce toxic side effect and understand the mechanism of action. Cis-platinum, as one of the leading metal based drugs is widely used in the treatment of cancer. But the application and contribution, significant side effects and drug resistance of trans-platinium (II) limited its clinical application. Biological carriers conjugated to cisplatin, analogs have improved specificity for tumor tissues, thereby reducing sides’ effects and drug resistance. Platinum complexes with distinctively different DNA binding modes from that of cis platinum also exhibit promising pharmacological properties. This review focuses on recent advances in development platinum anticancer agents with an emphasis on platinum coordination complexes, shift to the Cis platinium rather than consider trans-platinium as cis-geometry. Therefore present review is exceptionally explaining the application of Trans-platinium (II) consider as Cis-platinium (II) and minimize the knowledge gap between both isomers. This review is also initiating the altitude of researchers toward the trans-geometry of platinium (II) to be concerned as Cis geometry for medicinal application.