
Articles related to COVID-19 will be published in special issue.

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Author(s): Juhi Salgaonkar, Nidhi Raghuram, Pratik Dalvi, M.A.K. Kerawalla, PrernaGoswami

Biosensors are analytical devices containing a biological or biologically derived sensing component which is either closely related to or integrated within a physicochemical transducer. These sensors overcome the difficulty in conversion of biological data to electrical signals which can be easily read and monitored. The use of biosensors has increased tremendously over the years due to new techniques and developments. They find their applications in many fields including medicine, diagnostics, military, veterinary, agriculture, and quality control. Research in the field of biosensors is likely to have a significant impact on the development of modern electronics. This review article focuses on the elements of a biosensor and the applications of biosensors in the pharmaceutical industry. Beginning with blood glucose monitors, improvements on the technological front have led to the manufacture of bio nano sensors, electronic noses, wireless endoscopy capsules to name a few. Current research in biosensors is based on miniaturization of the sensors and increasing their biological sensitivity

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pharmaceutical analysis, international journal, chemical and pharmaceutical, journal of chemical, online open access journals, open access journals
Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 440

International Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Analysis received 440 citations as per google scholar report

International Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Analysis peer review process verified at publons

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