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Biodiesel Production from Karanja oil and Improve its Flow Property by using Karanja Cake Adsorbent


Author(s): V. N. Ganvir, Mayuri Chaudhari

The main objectives of the present research work was to study feasibility of Karanja oil for the production of biodiesel, optimization of different parameter for high yield of Karanja oil to biodiese and the purification of biodiesel using Karanja seed cake adsorbent. The composition of the Karanja seed cake activated carbon were studied to better understand its properties as an adsorbent Karanja Seed Oil Cake is by-product after oil extraction, which otherwise goes waste or as fertilizers, is used for Activated Carbon Preparations. Flow property of Karanja biodiesel was found to be improved by passing it through the Karanja Cake adsorbent.

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pharmaceutical analysis, international journal, chemical and pharmaceutical, journal of chemical, online open access journals, open access journals
Google Scholar citation report
Citations : 440

International Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Analysis received 440 citations as per google scholar report

International Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Analysis peer review process verified at publons

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